2-room apartment 23 300 000 ₸

2-room apartment

Created: March 26 2022
2-room apartment Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Construction company MAYAK LTD. Represents residential complex Zhaysan located in Almaty, Nauryzbai district Price from 365,000 tenge per 1m? at 100% payment. The complex is located in an ecologically clean area overlooking the mountains. .House 4-storey, 5 access. Form of payment: installment plan for 2 years, And also through zhssb under the 50/50 program, with an additional deposit - Exchanging a car for an apartment Contact the HEAD office at 269 Nurpeisova St. Your manager Dariga Baltabaevna 8776 847 28 93 Hurry up to buy a profitable apartment !! !
Created: March 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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23 300 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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