Rubik's cube keychain 3x3 (3.5 cm) | Yux 2 000 ₸

Rubik's cube keychain 3x3 (3.5 cm) | Yux

Created: April 12
Rubik's cube keychain 3x3 (3.5 cm) | Yux Almaty - photo 1
Rubik's cube keychain 3x3 (3.5 cm) | Yux Almaty - photo 2
Condition: New 
Yuxin's 3x3 Keychain Cube, measuring 3.5cm, is a fun miniature puzzle that can also serve as a keychain.

Here's why he's attractive:

Compact Size: With a size of 3.5cm, this keychain cube is very compact and lightweight, making it convenient to carry on your keys, backpack or bag. You can always have it on hand for entertainment or even to solve a puzzle in your spare time.
Fun Fun: Despite its small size, this keychain cube provides the same fun building experience as its full-size counterparts. This is a great way to entertain yourself while waiting or just relax.
Made by Yuxin: Yuxin is a well-known puzzle manufacturer, and even their miniature versions are usually of good quality and durability.
Unique Keychain: The 3x3 keychain cube can also serve as a unique keychain that stands out from other keychains. It will add a creative element to your keys or bag.
If you're looking for an interesting keychain or miniature puzzle for on-the-go fun, Yuxin 3x3 Cube Keychain with 3.5cm size is a great choice. It provides exciting entertainment and is a stylish accessory for everyday life.
Created: April 12
Was online may 30 05:01
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2 000 ₸
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Was online may 30 05:01
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