paint rubber universal warranty 5 years 2 000 ₸

paint rubber universal warranty 5 years

Created: May 25 2022
paint rubber universal warranty 5 years Almaty - photo 1
paint rubber universal warranty 5 years Almaty - photo 2
paint rubber universal warranty 5 years Almaty - photo 3
paint rubber universal warranty 5 years Almaty - photo 4
paint rubber universal warranty 5 years Almaty - photo 5
paint rubber universal warranty 5 years Almaty - photo 6
paint rubber universal warranty 5 years Almaty - photo 7
paint rubber universal warranty 5 years Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
NEOCHIM rubber paint at a price of 1700 tenge per kg can be tinted by us in any color without additional payments. It is delivered across all Kazakhstan. has a number of advantages over other paints: 1) The highest quality, we give a guarantee for 5 years (in fact, it will last 10 years) 2) It does not crack at any temperature changes, due to elasticity, it can stretch 2 times. 3) Does not fade in the sun 4) Does not peel off the surface 5) Easy to clean and repels water and dirt. 6) Protects the painted surface from weathering (Waterproofing) 7) Anti-corrosion 8) Odorless environmentally friendly (can be used indoors,) designed for protective and decorative painting of slate, tiles, ondulin, galvanized steel, aluminum, primed and unprimed ferrous metal, corrugated board, asphalt, asbestos cement, concrete, foam and aerated concrete, brick, plastered, puttied surfaces, plywood, chipboard, CSP, fiberboard, wooden, plasterboard surfaces, wallpapered surfaces, etc. For interior and exterior use. NEOCHIM rubber paint is suitable for painting roofs, plinths, building facades, downpipes and gutters, bathroom walls, brickwork and masonry, corridors, kitchens, poles, fences and other surfaces. The paint can be applied on surfaces previously painted with alkyd and oil paints. Properties: environmentally friendly product increased resistance to atmospheric influences, mechanical stress, ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes high elasticity of the coating good adhesion (sticks to most surfaces) resistant to cracking resistant to intensive repeated washing (wet abrasion resistance - class 1 according to DSTU EN 13300 ) vapor permeable, easy to apply and dries quickly Product specifications: Thinner: water (no more than 5% by weight of the paint) Matte Consumption rate in one layer: 100 - 200 g/m? Drying time of one layer: no more than 2 hours (at a temperature of (20±2)°C and relative humidity (65±5)% Surface preparation When painting, the surface must be clean and dry, thoroughly cleaned of fragile coatings, dust, dirt, rust , scale, oil, grease and other contaminants. Method of application Before applying, mix the rubber paint thoroughly, if necessary, dilute with water, but not more than 5% of the weight of the paint. Apply the paint with a brush, roller or spray gun in 2-3 layers with intermediate drying at a temperature from +10?С to +30?С and relative air humidity not more than 80%.Apply the next layer after complete drying of the previous one. ) % is 2 hours Paint consumption for a single layer application is from 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2 depending on the absorbency of the treated surface and application method Drying time 2 hours about phone 87071888341 (whats app)
Created: May 25 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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