Kostoprav-Osteopath (Editing the spine and adjacent joints)

Kostoprav-Osteopath (Editing the spine and adjacent joints)

Created: May 16 2022
Kostoprav-Osteopath (Editing the spine and adjacent joints) Almaty - photo 1
Kostoprav-Osteopath (Editing the spine and adjacent joints) Almaty - photo 2
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
LIFE WITHOUT PAIN! A HEALTHY BODY IS THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS! INSTAGRAM : KOSTOPRAV_OSTEOPAT_ALMATY SPINE EDIT. IMPACT TECHNIQUE SPECIALIST. READ THE ENTIRE TEXT CAREFULLY! KOSTOPRAV - ELIMINATES THE CAUSE OF PAIN IN THE SPINE AND BODY, RESTORING THE BLOOD SUPPLY OF THE BODY AND THE WORK OF THE LOCOMOTOR APPARATUS. RECEPTION ONLY IN PRESENCE OF MRI/CT IMAGE (not video) OF THE LUMBOSACRAL DEPARTMENT + PROBLEM DEPARTMENT AND PRINTED OUT CONCLUSION. INDICATIONS: NECK, ATLANTA: - Migraines, panic attacks, severe headaches, neck pain, dizziness, loss of orientation, nausea, tinnitus, darkening in the eyes (circles before the eyes), imitation of toothache, herniated discs, protrusions , Schmorl's nodes, sleep disturbance, Osteochondrosis, "hump", Scoliosis, compression (pinching) and rotation of the vertebrae, high fatigue, drowsiness, hypoplasia. Limitation of neck mobility. Straightening of lordosis, THORACIC DEPARTMENT: - Pain in the back (behind the sternum), between the shoulder blades, shoulder, forearm, weakness of the arm, intercostal neuralgia, it is difficult or impossible to breathe deeply. Imitation of pain in the heart, Herniated discs, Protrusions, Schmorl's nodes, Hyperkyphosis, violation of posture, Osteochondrosis, Scoliosis 1,2,3st, compression (pinching) and displacement of the vertebrae, pain in the hips. LUMBAR DEPARTMENT + SACUMUM: -Pain in the lower back. Displacement of the sacrum, pinching of the sciatic nerve => pain in the buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, feet, pain in the front below the abdomen on the right and left, pain in the groin. Hernias of intervertebral discs, Protrusions, Schmorl's nodes, Osteochondrosis, Scoliosis. Compression (pinching) and rotation of the vertebrae. You cannot stand still for a long time (pain in the lower back and legs). Violation of potency. Straightening of lordosis. Displacement of the hip joint, correction of the length of the legs. RECEPTION: 40000+tg. Additional study of muscle spasms: 5000tg. Consultation + inspection: 10000tg. BONE MAKING - combines the methods of traditional medicine, which in a modern way are called "manual therapy", "osteopathy", "chiropractic", various types of massage, all kinds of independent exercises ... to eliminate all pains and bring the patient back to normal. The positive effect of the manipulation is felt literally immediately - pain goes away, “brightens in the head”, allergies disappear, a surge of strength is felt, mood improves, etc. ... this is the first impression of visiting a competent chiropractor. There are other interesting effects, for example, as a rule, an increase in height appears, breathing becomes easier, there is more freedom of movement. Often, an allergy attack immediately stops (if any), sleep improves, and fatigue decreases. With the successful completion of the necessary course of therapy (in compliance with the recommendations), great changes occur in the entire appearance of the patient - the gait changes, posture improves, many health problems that have already become habitual leave ... a person, maybe even for the first time in his life, learns to control his body. For example, stop slipping
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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