Food "Hummingbird" for finches and canaries in the pet store "LIVOY WORLD" 405 ₸

Food "Hummingbird" for finches and canaries in the pet store "LIVOY WORLD"

Created: June 17 2022
Food "Hummingbird" for finches and canaries in the pet store "LIVOY WORLD" Almaty - photo 1
Food "Hummingbird" for finches and canaries in the pet store "LIVOY WORLD" Almaty - photo 2
Food "Hummingbird" for finches and canaries in the pet store "LIVOY WORLD" Almaty - photo 3
Food "Hummingbird" for finches and canaries in the pet store "LIVOY WORLD" Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
A complete, balanced food for canaries and finches, formulated with a variety of seeds and supplements to provide birds with all the nutrients they need. Ingredients: Millet of different varieties, magar yellow, red, meadow grasses, rapeseed, canary seed, sudanese, chumiza seed, small oatmeal, sunflower seeds, flax. LIVING WORLD stores have a huge selection of products for birds. And also you can get acquainted with other interesting goods on our website Here you can order ANY product you are interested in. Delivery is carried out within 10-14 days. When applying for an amount over 4000 tenge, delivery in the city of Almaty is free. Also there is a delivery across all Kazakhstan. In the city of Almaty we are located at Tole bi, 160 corner of Auezov +77081853126 and Shevchenko, 112 corner of Baitursynov +77762399411. We work daily from 9:00 to 19:00, without days off and a lunch break. Delivery WhatsApp + 77714099922 We are waiting for you in our stores LIVING WORLD.
Created: June 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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