Natural food for dogs and cats - minced beef - mix 64.29 rub

Natural food for dogs and cats - minced beef - mix

Created: June 17 2022
Natural food for dogs and cats - minced beef - mix Almaty - photo 1
Natural food for dogs and cats - minced beef - mix Almaty - photo 2
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
The mince mix differs from other types in that it contains a large set of vitamins, protein, and many essential trace elements. And the liver and kidneys contain an essential fatty acid. The presence of vitamin D makes this species especially important in winter. For the preparation of this minced meat, beef is used: stomach, liver, udder, heart, lungs, kidneys, abomasum, casings. Before cooking, all by-products are washed well, the water is allowed to drain, and then passed through a meat grinder. Packing in food bags of 10 kg Cost 350 tenge/kg. In addition to this type of minced meat, there are also 5 more types of natural Minced meat from beef meat products. We are located at the minimarket on the street. Zhelmaya 24 former Embankment In our zoo assortment, there are more than 50 items of various natural meat products for dogs and cats, which you can always purchase from us. Working hours: Mon-Sat, 10.00-18.00 There is a fast delivery in Almaty by taxi
Created: June 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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64.29 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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