Control cable - all brands available! Wholesale and Retail 570 ₸

Control cable - all brands available! Wholesale and Retail

Created: May 26 2022
Control cable - all brands available! Wholesale and Retail Almaty - photo 1
Control cable - all brands available! Wholesale and Retail Almaty - photo 2
Control cable - all brands available! Wholesale and Retail Almaty - photo 3
Control cable - all brands available! Wholesale and Retail Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
TC Almet carries out wholesale and retail sales of control cables and wires of all grades and cross-sectional sizes. Parameters and technical characteristics are regulated by GOST 1508-78, GOST 26411-85 and additional TU 16.K71-304-2001, TU 16.K71-374-2006, TU 16.K71-339-2004, GOST 26411-85, TU 16 .K02-09-2006, TU 16.K17-057-2007, TU 16.K73.079-2007, TU 16.K73.079-2007, TU 16.K01-37-2003, TU 16.K01-37- 2003, TU 16.K02-09-2006, TU 16.K01-37-2003, TU 16.K09-134-2003, TU 16.K71-337-2004, TU 16.K71-310-2001, TU 16. K73.079-2007, TU 16.K13-021-95, TU 16.K13-021-95 and applies to control cables with copper, aluminum and aluminum-copper conductors for the following grades: AKVBbShv AKVBbShvng AKVBbShvng(A) AKVBbShvng(A)- LS AKVBBBSHVVG (A) -KL AKVBBBBBBBBBBBSHBBBBBBBSHNG AKVBBBBSHN AKVBBG AKVVBG AKVVG AKVVGS AKVVGGN AKVVGGGGN AKVGG AKVGG AKVGG (A) AKVGGG (A) -ХЛ АКРВБ АКРВБбГ АКРВБГ АКРВГ АКРВГЭ АКРНБ АКРНБбГ АКРНБГ АКРНГ КВБбШв КВБбШвнг КВБбШвнг(A) КВБбШвнг(A)-LS КВБбШвнг(A)-ХЛ КВБбШвнг-LS КВБбШвнг-ХЛ КВБбШнг КВБбШнг(A) КВВБ КВВБбГ КВВБГ КВВБн КВВГ КВВГз КВВГнг КВВ Gng(A) KVVGng(A)-FRLS KVVGng(A)-LS KVVGng(A)-KhL KVVGng-FRLS KVVGng-LS KVVGng-KhL KVVGE KVVGEng KVVGEng(A) KVVGEng(A)-FRLS KVVGEng(A)-LS KVVGEng (A)-KhL KVVGEng-FRLS KVVGEng-LS KVVGEng-KhL KVKbShv KVKbShvng KVKbShvng(A) KVKbShvng(A)-KhL KVKbShvng-KhL KVPbShv KPBbPng-HF KPBPng(A)-HF KPPGng(A)-FRHF KPPGng(A)- HF KPPGng-FRHF KPPGng-HF KPPGEng(A)-FRHF KPPGEng(A)-HF KPPGEng-FRHF KPPGEng-HF KRVB KRVBbG KRVBG KRVBn KRVG KRVGE KRNB KRNBbG KRNBG KRNBn KRNG Free consultation and selection of control cable for proper operation and long service life of the cable . Our managers will always answer you. Detailed information on our website!
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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