Compression collar 3 500 ₸

Compression collar

Created: November 16 2023
Compression collar Almaty - photo 1
Compression collar Almaty - photo 2
Compression collar Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Collar for stress relief; gentle traction of the cervical spine; relieving tension and discomfort; improving blood circulation in the affected area; as well as brain nutrition; spinal cord and shoulder girdle function; hands and fingers. The inflatable neck collar has a gentle effect on the muscles and ligaments of the neck; upper back. With regular use, an orthopedic cervical collar is especially recommended for people with increased loads and a sedentary lifestyle; when working for many hours in a position with a tilted head; after driving; on the train and plane. Massage collar; a head massager will help restore neck mobility and gently relieve pain; as well as facelift. The collar is recommended for frequent headaches and insomnia; low or high blood pressure; poor posture; osteochondrosis - not during the period of exacerbation - and during rehabilitation after injuries. Inflatable orthopedic collar for neck and head; mechanical neck brace; pillow massagerContact whatsappPickup or Yandex delivery
Created: November 16 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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3 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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