kit for making adapter Bayonet B to M42 10 000 ₸

kit for making adapter Bayonet B to M42

Created: November 15 2023
kit for making adapter Bayonet B to M42 Almaty - photo 1
kit for making adapter Bayonet B to M42 Almaty - photo 2
kit for making adapter Bayonet B to M42 Almaty - photo 3
kit for making adapter Bayonet B to M42 Almaty - photo 4
kit for making adapter Bayonet B to M42 Almaty - photo 5
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
If you decide to buy at the specified price and couldn’t get through by phone - write - I’ll be sure to answer and tell you where you can pick it up after checking and payment; kit for making an adapter for Bayonet B to M42; all medium format optics with mount B will be yours! The kit includes: - macro ring Bayonet B - new - macro ring M42 - new one must be cut to size; select or grind a ring for pressing/gluing both macro rings for non-SLR cameras, you can put it on the M39 adapter - there is no need to cut off the large ring Compared to film type 135; the lens has a larger area of the resulting frame; therefore, the image angle of the lens for a camera with a B mount should be calculated based on the frame diagonal of 85 mm; versus 43 mm (for film type 135) for film 120 the image angle is 86.45 degrees for film 135 the image angle is 51.1 degrees
Created: November 15 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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10 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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