Book Life of Remarkable Substances Arkady Kuramshin 1 000 ₸

Book Life of Remarkable Substances Arkady Kuramshin

Created: April 27 2022
Book Life of Remarkable Substances Arkady Kuramshin Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Inside the book, some words are highlighted with a marker How to live in a world, which became a sign of advice books from the series "How to clean a house without chemistry", where the authors recommend using soda, vinegar and citric acid, the most common products of large-scale chemical production? How true is the statement: "The more dangerous the chemical, the more complicated its name"? (Spoiler: not how much, otherwise chlorine would be safer for the human body than its own DNA). Today, in the Russian and international infosphere, we are faced with a huge number of legends and horror stories related to chemistry. Somehow it happened that chemistry began to cause fear and fear, an irrational fear of everything "chemical" flourished - chemophobia. However, real stories related to the discovery of chemicals, the discovery of their beneficial properties, are much more interesting than invented legends. In addition, they will be able to save the reader from an irrational fear of everything chemical, to interest chemistry and make more and more people stop perceiving this science as something dangerous.
Created: April 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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