book of 1000 logic games 4 000 ₸

book of 1000 logic games

Created: November 16 2023
book of 1000 logic games Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Natalya and Sergey Gordienko are the authors of the bestseller “The Big Book of Logic Games and Puzzles.” Their new book “1000 Logic Games and Puzzles for a Smart Child” will become one of your child’s favorites! It will not only help you prepare for school and introduce you to all school subjects; but it will also develop imagination; attentiveness and logical thinking. And fun tasks and tricky puzzles won't let you get bored! There are puzzles and charades; labyrinths and riddles; and also funny jokes; helping to remember the received material easily and simply. For preschool age.
Created: November 16 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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4 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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