Cleaning Cleaning of the apartment from professionals qualitatively disinfection

Cleaning Cleaning of the apartment from professionals qualitatively disinfection

Created: May 18 2022
Cleaning Cleaning of the apartment from professionals qualitatively disinfection Almaty - photo 1
Cleaning Cleaning of the apartment from professionals qualitatively disinfection Almaty - photo 2
Cleaning Cleaning of the apartment from professionals qualitatively disinfection Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
WHAT HOUSE CLEANING INCLUDES, LIST OF SERVICES AND WORKS FOR CLEANING THE APARTMENT: Wet and dry cleaning of rooms and premises, washing floors, skirting boards. Cleaning walls and ceilings from dust, cobwebs and other types of pollution. Washing mirrors, windows and glass surfaces, cleaning window sills, cornices and balconies. etc. Washing dirty dishes in the sink and washing the sink. Removing dust from lamps and chandeliers. Cleaning air conditioners from dust only from above. Cleaning dust from the interior and surfaces of cabinet furniture. Removing limescale and rust. wash with a steam generator. Garbage removal, change of disposable bags, washing of wastebaskets and disinfection of the wastebasket. General, maintenance and one-time cleaning usually includes all of the listed types of services. This list can be changed and supplemented at your request. We work during the day and in the evening
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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