Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher

Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher

Created: May 18 2022
Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher Almaty - photo 1
Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher Almaty - photo 2
Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher Almaty - photo 3
Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher Almaty - photo 4
Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher Almaty - photo 5
Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher Almaty - photo 6
Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher Almaty - photo 7
Cleaning Professional general cleaning with a steam generator from Karcher Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Professional cleaning General steam generator kills up to 99.9 bacteria. We clean apartments, houses, cottages, offices, basements, medical institutions, beauty salons, kindergartens, shops, we clean up to 2500 m2. , before renting or leaving the apartment, before discharge from the hospital. In all cases, we use a steam cleaner, as it kills up to 99.9% of bacteria, it is very important that we use only professional chemicals and a professional vacuum cleaner from Karcher and Rainbow. We work around the clock, seven days a week. For consultation, you can write to WhatApp. We work as an individual and a legal entity. We provide for legal entities Invoice and invoice from IIP
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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