3-room apartment 2 000 ₸

3-room apartment

Created: May 31 2022
3-room apartment Almaty - photo 1
3-room apartment Almaty - photo 2
3-room apartment Almaty - photo 3
3-room apartment Almaty - photo 4
3-room apartment Almaty - photo 5
3-room apartment Almaty - photo 6
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
We are located at the following addresses: Almaty 1) microdistrict "Taugul" st. Suleimenova (former Dezhneva), 24 A / corner of Pyatnitskogo street 8 747 555 0002 2) Seifullin st. Our prices will pleasantly surprise you! Tetradon dwarf, or yellow (lat. Carinotetraodon travancoricus) is the smallest of the tetradons that can be found on sale. It comes from India, and unlike other species, it lives only in fresh water. The pygmy tetradon is very small and often sold at almost its maximum size of about 2.5 cm. Upon reaching puberty, males become brighter than females and have a dark stripe in the center of the abdomen. These fish are quite a new species in the aquarium trade, and not everywhere they can still be bought. But their bright coloration, fascinating behavior, small size make the pygmy tetradon a surprisingly attractive fish. This is one of the few fish that watches with interest what is happening behind the glass and quickly begins to recognize its breadwinner. They are very smart and often resemble other smart fish - cichlids. As soon as you enter the room, they will start crawling in front of the glass, trying to get your attention. Of course, they want to beg for food, but it's always funny to see such a reaction from a fish. One of the smallest (if not the smallest) of tetradons - about 2.5 cm. Its eyes move independently of each other, which allows you to look at something around you with little or no movement. Depending on your mood, the color varies from green to brown with dark spots over the body. The belly is white or yellowish. The best way to create a complete diet is to feed your pygmy tetradon small snails (Fisa, Coil, Melania) and frozen foods. If we talk about freezing, then their favorite food is bloodworm, then daphnia and brine shrimp.
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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