Japan changing economic growth model 91.85 rub

Japan changing economic growth model

Created: February 24 2023
Japan changing economic growth model Almaty - photo 1
Japan changing economic growth model Almaty - photo 2
Japan changing economic growth model Almaty - photo 3
Japan changing economic growth model Almaty - photo 4
Japan changing economic growth model Almaty - photo 5
Japan changing economic growth model Almaty - photo 6
Japan changing economic growth model Almaty - photo 7
Japan changing economic growth model Almaty - photo 8
Address: ул. Си Синхай, д. 22, Бостандыкский р-н, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Japan: Changing the Model of Economic Growth – I.P. Lebedeva, A.I. Kravtsevich, 1990, M., Main editorial office of oriental literature, Nauka publishing house, hardcover, pages: 320, with b/w tables, format: 223 x 150 mm, circulation: 4,950 copies. Condition: perfect!

The collective monograph comprehensively analyzes the changes in the Japanese economy after the aggravation of the energy and raw material crisis of 1973-1974. The main regularities of the deep restructuring of the Japanese economy are revealed, the essence of which is the transition from an industrial to a post-industrial system of productive forces, based on a sharp expansion of the use of scientific and technological progress.
Created: February 24 2023
Was online yesterday 18:58
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91.85 rub
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