Iphone 12 mini black 320 000 ₸

Iphone 12 mini black

Created: April 30 2022
Iphone 12 mini black Almaty - photo 1
Iphone 12 mini black Almaty - photo 2
Iphone 12 mini black Almaty - photo 3
Iphone 12 mini black Almaty - photo 4
Iphone 12 mini black Almaty - photo 5
Iphone 12 mini black Almaty - photo 6
Iphone 12 mini black Almaty - photo 7
Iphone 12 mini black Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Phone brand: Apple 
iPhone 12 mini * Black color * Memory 128 GB * No scratches * In excellent condition, there is a protective glass on the screen * + as a gift 2 silicone case, UZB adapter and original apple earphone * Bought for 384 K
Created: April 30 2022
Was online december 9 11:52
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320 000 ₸
Was online december 9 11:52
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