Implantation from 70 000tg

Implantation from 70 000tg

Created: May 15 2022
Implantation from 70 000tg Almaty - photo 1
Implantation from 70 000tg Almaty - photo 2
Implantation from 70 000tg Almaty - photo 3
Implantation from 70 000tg Almaty - photo 4
Implantation from 70 000tg Almaty - photo 5
Implantation from 70 000tg Almaty - photo 6
Implantation from 70 000tg Almaty - photo 7
Implantation from 70 000tg Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Meshocramika 15000TG, removable prosthesis 30000TG, white box prosthesis (biodentaplast) 90 000tg, flexible nylon prosthesis 90000TG, microprosthesis 15000-20000TG, non-metallic ceramics 65000TG, zirconium crown 55000tg, veneers from 45000-55000 tons of 10000- 15000tg, periodontitis from 10000-15000tg, periodontal surgery (flux) -5000tg, teeth cleaning with a scaler 10000tg. IMPLANTATION 1 UNIT 70 THOUSAND!!!! FULL RANGE OF DENTAL SERVICES! TREATMENT, REMOVAL, ORTHOPEDICS! DENTISTRY ! You can see our work on Instagram rst.stom18m Sighting x-ray image 1500 If you specify the code 777, a 10% discount
Created: May 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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