Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry

Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry

Created: May 15 2022
Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry Almaty - photo 1
Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry Almaty - photo 2
Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry Almaty - photo 3
Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry Almaty - photo 4
Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry Almaty - photo 5
Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry Almaty - photo 6
Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry Almaty - photo 7
Implant. ACTION 80% discount. In dentistry Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
ACTION Until the end of January Implantation of teeth. Treatment of gums by plasmolifting + cleaning 20.000tg. Consultation is free! Huge discounts in dentistry up to 80%. *Treatment of any caries 4000tg instead of 8000tg. *Treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis (nerve removal) 6000 tenge instead of 15000 tenge. *Treatment of gums full course 15000 tenge instead of 25000 tenge. *Ultrasonic teeth cleaning + polishing with whitening paste 7000 tenge instead of 15000 tenge. * Artistic restoration of frontal teeth and a destroyed crown 6500 tenge instead of 12000 tenge. *Tooth extraction 4000tg. *Wisdom tooth extraction from 5000tg. *Metal ceramics 12500tg.instead of 22000tg. *Zirconium crowns 35000tg instead of 95000tg. * Veneers 35000tg instead of 75000tg. *Metal crowns with and without gold coating for 8500 tenge instead of 12000 tenge. *Plastic crowns (white) 8500tg instead of 12000tg. *Flexible clasp prosthesis 40000tg instead of 65000tg. *Prosthesis acrylic Italian 25000tg.instead of 40000tg. *Guarantee for all prosthetics!*Address Tulebaeva 21 below Makataeva street. Pre-registration is required! LIMITED TIME HURRY UP!
Created: May 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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