Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home

Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home

Created: May 18 2022
Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home Almaty - photo 1
Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home Almaty - photo 2
Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home Almaty - photo 3
Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home Almaty - photo 4
Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home Almaty - photo 5
Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home Almaty - photo 6
Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home Almaty - photo 7
Dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Professional clearing service. Produces dry cleaning of sofas, mattresses and carpets at home at the LOWEST PRICES, taking into account Technology / Chemistry / Safety. Styl dry cleaning - from 1000 tg. Dry cleaning Armchair - 3200 tg. Dry cleaning of a 2-seater sofa - from 6000 tenge. Dry cleaning of a 3-seater sofa - from 8000 tenge. Dry cleaning of a 4-seater sofa - from 10000 tenge. Dry cleaning of a children's mattress - from 5000 tg. Dry cleaning of a 1-seater mattress - 6500 tg. Dry cleaning of a 2-seater mattress - 9500 tg. Dry cleaning of carpet - 800 tenge/sq.m. Departure of a specialist at a convenient time for you. Professional dry cleaning of upholstered furniture, which makes it possible to qualitatively and completely remove dust, crumbs and other dry contaminants from the surface and from the folds of the fabric. Effective removal from upholstered furniture of invisible dust mites-saprophytes and their larvae, as well as the collection of mold and other harmful microorganisms and bacteria that can be dangerous to human health and are often sources of allergic reactions. The use of special cleaning agents that help not only disinfect the upholstery, but also eliminate unpleasant odors. The use of only professional equipment and chemicals that will allow you to remove various complex food stains and pollution of unknown origin. All work carried out is guaranteed!
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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