Cargo transportation, moving, delivery of goods. There is a hydroboard.

Cargo transportation, moving, delivery of goods. There is a hydroboard.

Created: July 14 2022
Cargo transportation, moving, delivery of goods. There is a hydroboard. Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Cargo transportation, delivery of goods from a warehouse. Apartment and office moving. Furniture van: length-4.20, width-2.10, height-2.20. Volume 20 cubic meters. The carrying capacity of the car is 2.5 tons. The presence of a hydraulic lift (shovel) with a carrying capacity of 500 kg. We transport refrigerators, refrigerated display cases, ATMs, furniture, etc. Fast and high quality delivery. I will consider options for permanent work with organizations. The cost of the order is from 7000tg per hour, the minimum payment is 2 hours. Services of skilled, accurate loaders from 2500t hour, the minimum payment for 2 hours are provided. Tel:+77075516783
Created: July 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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