Hydraulic hammer for Hyundai R320,330,350,380. 9 990 000 ₸

Hydraulic hammer for Hyundai R320,330,350,380.

Created: May 19 2022
Hydraulic hammer for Hyundai R320,330,350,380. Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kurylys Tekhnika LLP offers to supply a new hydraulic hammer for the Hyundai R320,R330,R350,R380 crawler excavator. Hammer model : ProfBreaker PB420S (closed, vibration-absorbing body) Specifications: Operating weight : 3,110 kg Impact energy: 10,900 Joules Pike diameter: 160 mm Hydraulic flow: 190-260 l/min. adapter plate for Hyundai excavator 2 high-pressure hoses for connecting to the excavator hydraulic system nitrogen filling kit measuring kit tube with graphite lubricant product passport instruction in Russian Warranty: 12 months from the date of shipment or 1000 hours. Also, our company is ready to supply one-way hydraulic piping for an excavator of any brand and model, as well as install this attachment, train the operator to work. Payment for products is made to the account of LLP "Kurylys tekhnika" in tenge with VAT 12%. Please contact the telephone number indicated in the advertisement regarding the purchase of a hydraulic hammer.
Created: May 19 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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9 990 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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