Hydraulic hammer for Hitachi ZX330,Hyundai R305,Komatsu PC300,Doosan 340. 7 700 000 ₸

Hydraulic hammer for Hitachi ZX330,Hyundai R305,Komatsu PC300,Doosan 340.

Created: May 19 2022
Hydraulic hammer for Hitachi ZX330,Hyundai R305,Komatsu PC300,Doosan 340. Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kurylys Tekhnika LLP offers to supply a hydraulic hammer for Hitachi ZX330,350, Hyundai R260,290,300 excavators. 305, Komatsu PC300,350,Doosan S300,S/DX340, Cat 324,325,329 Hydraulic Hammer PB360H 12 months warranty. The delivery set of the hydraulic hammer includes: a hydraulic hammer with a lance an additional lance an adapter plate for an excavator 2 high-pressure hoses for connecting to the excavator's hydraulic system a nitrogen filling kit a measuring kit a tube with graphite lubricant product passport instructions in Russian. Free departure, installation supervision and operator training Weight: 2400 kg Peak diameter: 150 mm Impact energy: 10 250 J. Installation service: installation, commissioning, staff training - at the request of the client. Peaks - constantly available in our warehouses To purchase this equipment, please contact the phone number indicated in the announcement.
Created: May 19 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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7 700 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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