Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) 1 950 ₸

Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty)

Created: May 24 2022
Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) Almaty - photo 1
Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) Almaty - photo 2
Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) Almaty - photo 3
Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) Almaty - photo 4
Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) Almaty - photo 5
Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) Almaty - photo 6
Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) Almaty - photo 7
Facade panels (Quality + delivery in Almaty) Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
All facade products are innovative. It is designed for both new builds and for facing old buildings. The company has launched the production of facade panels in Almaty based on polymer fiber-reinforced concrete. This is a finished panel with imitation brickwork. Each façade panel has special recesses for fastening to the wall. Why choose panels made in Almaty for facade finishing? The beautiful appearance of the brick-like cladding gives the building a high status, Fast and high-precision installation without masonry errors, A wide choice of colors, a harmonious combination of walls, window and corner frames, Low cost, including high-quality facade paint of the Parade F-51 brand with a guarantee of 10 years, A domestic manufacturer is involved in the arrangement of your home.
Created: May 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 950 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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