Draft project, Working project, Design project, Legalization, Permission

Draft project, Working project, Design project, Legalization, Permission

Created: May 16 2022
Draft project, Working project, Design project, Legalization, Permission Almaty - photo 1
Draft project, Working project, Design project, Legalization, Permission Almaty - photo 2
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Architecture, Design, Design, Construction, Repair, Legalization of residential buildings, Obtaining a building permit! tel/whatsapp 87782434559 Development of project documentation for residential and public buildings: Draft project, Working draft, Design project, etc. Services for Almaty and Almaty region: 1. Almaly region 2. Alatau region 3. Auezov region 4. Bostandyk region 5. Zhetysu region 6. Medeu region 7. Nauryzbai region 8. Turksib region Ili region, Karasai region, Talgar region. Registration and maintenance of design permits: 1. Topographic survey of the site (registration and red line). 2. APL (design task, questionnaire, technical conditions). 3. Engineering network (coordination). 4. Development of a preliminary design. 5. Coordination of the draft design. 6. Act of commissioning. 7. Registration. 8. ACCEPTANCE ACT. Legalization of redevelopment, extensions, etc. Legalization of unauthorized built houses (APZ, approval, acceptance certificate, registration, commissioning certificate). Obtaining a building permit (apz, approval, coupon, notification).
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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