E-books (*pdf) big set 3 990 ₸

E-books (*pdf) big set

Created: April 27 2022
E-books (*pdf) big set Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Library of 45 e-books on marketing, copywriting, personal development and psychology (*pdf) 1 book for 88 tenge! Upgrade yourself, get knowledge, information and skills for only 3990 tenge. Books on getting better: The Magic of the Morning, Hal Elrod, Always Tired, Jacob Teitelbaum, Everyday Business Hack, Igor Mann, Do Something New, Igor Mann, Your Millionaire Neighbor, Stanley Thomas and Danko William "Life hack for every day", Igor Mann "Never eat alone", Keith Ferratzi "The ideal leader", Itzhak Adizes "45 manager tattoos" Maxim Batyrev "45 tattoos sold" Maxim Batyrev Books about Instagram: "Instagram administrator", Dmitry Kudryashov and Evgeny Kozlov "Instagram. The secret of success", Ekaterina Uvarova and Evgeny Yakimov "Marketing in social networks", Damir Khalilov "Guerrilla marketing in social networks", Sergey Shcherbakov "Power of Instagram", Petr Ploskov Books for inspiration and motivation: "I want and I will", Mikhail Labkovsky "N*Sy", Jen Sinsero "It's not about coffee", Govar Behar "Full F", Radislav Gandapas "Shoe Salesman", Phil Knight "Rice Storm", Michael Mikalko "Charisma Leader", Radislav Gandapas "Get Out of Your Comfort Zone", Brian Tracy "Think and Grow Rich", N Napoleon Hill "Think slow, decide fast", Daniel Kahneman "To hell with everything! Take it and do it!", Richard Branson "The Power of Habit", Charles Duhig "The 80/20 Principle", Richard Koch "100 Ways to Change Your Life", Larisa Parfentyeva "This Year I...", M. Ryan "The Subconscious Can Do Anything ", John Kehoe "The Subtle Art of Giggling", Mark Manson "Go where it's scary", Jim Lawless "Willpower. How to develop and strengthen", Kelly McGonigal "Number 1", Igor Mann "Antifragile", Naseem Taleb Books about good texts: "Write and cut", Maxim Ilyakhov "Author, scissors, paper", Nikolay Kononov "Business copywriting", Denis Kaplunov "Content, marketing and rock and roll", Denis Kaplunov "Copywriting. How not to eat the dog", Dmitry Kot "Headlines for all occasions", Daniil Shardakov Marketing books: "Marketing tools", Igor Mann, Ekaterina Ukolova and Anna Turusina "Clients for life", Carl Sewell "Marketing machine", Igor Mann and Anna Turusina "Points of Contact", Igor Mann, Dmitry Turusin Get a link to download the library: +7701 526 1080 (WhatsApp) Write now and you will receive one book right there as a gift!
Created: April 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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3 990 ₸
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