Electric oven. Oven 7 000 ₸

Electric oven. Oven

Created: November 17 2023
Electric oven. Oven Almaty - photo 1
Electric oven. Oven Almaty - photo 2
Electric oven. Oven Almaty - photo 3
Electric oven. Oven Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Selling for a symbolic price. A very convenient stove. There are two baking trays with it. One is round; the other is square. Heats up from the bottom. It doesn't turn on from the top. Maybe someone knows what the reason is and can fix it. And so you can use the bottom one. Write to WhatsApp +77*******30. Pickup from the Turksib region.
Created: November 17 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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7 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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