Interior design 4000 tenge per square

Interior design 4000 tenge per square

Created: May 16 2022
Interior design 4000 tenge per square Almaty - photo 1
Interior design 4000 tenge per square Almaty - photo 2
Interior design 4000 tenge per square Almaty - photo 3
Interior design 4000 tenge per square Almaty - photo 4
Interior design 4000 tenge per square Almaty - photo 5
Interior design 4000 tenge per square Almaty - photo 6
Interior design 4000 tenge per square Almaty - photo 7
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
It is very important that the new apartment was comfortable, cozy, and most importantly - practical! When ordering an interior design, you have the opportunity to think over your layout as competently as possible, show your individuality, and get a stylish result! Full package of services (3D visualization + interior collages + full set of drawings) - 4000tg Average package of services (3D visualization + interior collages + drawings for a planning solution, furniture arrangement, decorative panels sweep) - 3000tg.
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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