Disinfection. Destruction of the shackle cockroaches fleas bugs mice rats

Disinfection. Destruction of the shackle cockroaches fleas bugs mice rats

Created: July 15 2022
Disinfection. Destruction of the shackle cockroaches fleas bugs mice rats Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Lowest pest control prices in town! Disinsection: - cockroaches (Prussians), - bugs, - ticks, - fleas, - wasps, - ants, Deratization: - rats, mice, We will treat the premises, the territory of any complexity with a specialized preparation with a GUARANTEE! -dormitories, -apartments, -houses, -warehouses, -cafes, restaurants, shops, ANONYMOUSLY. - and other territories, Certified preparations, experienced workers. We work seven days a week 24/7! Services: • Disinsection • Disinfection • Deodorization
Created: July 15 2022
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