Children's massage in Almaty

Children's massage in Almaty

Created: May 16 2022
Children's massage in Almaty Almaty - photo 1
Children's massage in Almaty Almaty - photo 2
Children's massage in Almaty Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Hello Dear Parents! I am Arai Arynovna Certified children's masseur with the Basics of Motor Ontogeny. I offer you my service for your kids. Children's massage according to age and existing disorders: - Restorative - Hypertonicity / Hypotension - Torticollis - Umbilical hernia - Valgus / Varus - Fitball, Orthocovik - Exercise therapy: Exercises, active and passive gymnastics - Departure to the House! -In the city! -For communication - 8707 860 62 30.
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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