Children's massage with departure

Children's massage with departure

Created: May 16 2022
Children's massage with departure Almaty - photo 1
Children's massage with departure Almaty - photo 2
Children's massage with departure Almaty - photo 3
Children's massage with departure Almaty - photo 4
Children's massage with departure Almaty - photo 5
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Children's massage with medical education. Have a diploma and certificate of masseur with experience. I offer baby massage services. -General wellness massage - Muscle hypertonicity - Muscle hypotonicity - Umbilical hernia - Hip dysplasia - Torticollis - Hypoxia - Drainage massage - Flat feet (Maitabandyk) - X-image valgus curvature of the legs - O-image varus curvature of the legs - Exercise therapy - Fitball ball - Orthocovrik . Massage helps the child to normalize sleep and develop basic skills like holding the head, turning over, crawling skills and independent sitting skills. I work only for travel. Massage course 10 days Price from 2500 tenge
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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