Bicycle parts new sale Open to offers

Bicycle parts new sale

Created: December 20 2024
Bicycle parts new sale Almaty - photo 1
Bicycle parts new sale Almaty - photo 2
Bicycle parts new sale Almaty - photo 3
Bicycle parts new sale Almaty - photo 4
Bicycle parts new sale Almaty - photo 5
Address: улица Шагабутдинова 88, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Star for 34 teeth, 104 bcd, new, 2000 TG.
New brake rotors for 160, 180 mm. Shimano RT56, original pr. Malaysia for 4500 TG.
Hydraulic brake front, Shimano 200 9800 TG.
New Novatec hubs for 32 spokes, 135/10, 100/9, original, front 3500 TG rear 14500.
Burners, alcohol 1000 TG and I recommend a small gas one, screw mount, 4800 burns really well, I kept this one for myself.
Set: front and rear derailleur Shimano 8100 XT, Shimano XT chain all original, for a set 42000 TG.
There are also smart watches at wholesale prices, medical and sports functions, new.
Rescue ladders in case of fire or earthquake 6, 10, 20 meters, 1500 kg load (price: 1 meter - 1800 tenge)
Sale from the warehouse
Created: December 20 2024
Was online february 17 12:58
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Was online february 17 12:58
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