CHEAP: Stainless steel pipes 20*2 mm*6 meters Aisi 304, 08X18H10 1 700 ₸

CHEAP: Stainless steel pipes 20*2 mm*6 meters Aisi 304, 08X18H10

Created: May 26 2022
CHEAP: Stainless steel pipes 20*2 mm*6 meters Aisi 304, 08X18H10 Almaty - photo 1
CHEAP: Stainless steel pipes 20*2 mm*6 meters Aisi 304, 08X18H10 Almaty - photo 2
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
I will sell stainless steel pipes, Aisi 304 08X18H10 stainless steel, length 6 meters, diameter 20 mm, wall thickness 2 mm, in large quantities. The price is 1700 tenge/meter. RV-90. WE DO NOT CUT PIPES, WE DO NOT SELL BY PIECES. There are no other diameters. Ornalas? an zheri - RV-90, current zho ?, Bulgarian zho ?, Aldyn ala habarlasyndar.
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 700 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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