bu pipes diameters from 159 to 820 mm, bu pipes case, bu pipes sleeve 400 ₸

bu pipes diameters from 159 to 820 mm, bu pipes case, bu pipes sleeve

Created: May 26 2022
bu pipes diameters from 159 to 820 mm, bu pipes case, bu pipes sleeve Almaty - photo 1
bu pipes diameters from 159 to 820 mm, bu pipes case, bu pipes sleeve Almaty - photo 2
bu pipes diameters from 159 to 820 mm, bu pipes case, bu pipes sleeve Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Pipe new bu lay Metallobaza in the size of cutting metal buying, scrap metal. Pipes from dismantling with cutting can be delivered. We work on transfer with VAT. Ассортимент: 159х5 159х6 219х5 219х6 219х7 219х8 219х9 273х6 273х7 273х8 273х10 299х4.5 325х5 325х6 325х7 325х8 325х9 325х16 377х7 377х8 377х9 377х10 426х6 426х7 426х8 530х7 530х8 530х9 630х7 630х8 720х8 720х9 720х10 820х8 820х9 920х8 920х10 1020х10 1020х11 1020х12 1220х12 1220х13 1220х14 1420х10 1420х14 1420 15.7 1420x17 Call: 87001118940 Manager Diane
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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