Bearded dragon with terrariums 45 000 ₸

Bearded dragon with terrariums

Created: June 1 2022
Bearded dragon with terrariums Almaty - photo 1
Bearded dragon with terrariums Almaty - photo 2
Bearded dragon with terrariums Almaty - photo 3
Bearded dragon with terrariums Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
The Australian lizard - bearded agama belongs to exotic reptiles, which are often kept at home. She has an attractive appearance, complaisant peace-loving character, adapts well in captivity. Caring for her is simple, the main thing is to create the right conditions for her existence among people. The average length of an adult is 60 cm, along with the tail, which occupies about 30% of the total length. Life expectancy in natural conditions is 40 years, in captivity, when kept in a large terrarium with proper nutrition, it can live 20-25 years.
Created: June 1 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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45 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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