Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience

Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience

Created: May 14 2022
Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience Almaty - photo 1
Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience Almaty - photo 2
Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience Almaty - photo 3
Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience Almaty - photo 4
Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience Almaty - photo 5
Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience Almaty - photo 6
Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience Almaty - photo 7
Models are required for free tattooing to a master with 5 years of experience Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Models are required free of charge for tattooing of eyebrows, eyelids (shading with an arrow, inter-eyelash), lips to a master with 5 years of experience. Requirements: age from 18 to 35 years old, no tattooing (or a slight remnant of the existing tattooing), healthy skin, no contraindications and allergies to tattooing procedures, a healthy state of the body. Sterility is guaranteed, disposable consumables, the best materials and machines are used in the work. The sketch before the procedure must be coordinated with the model! Write and send photos to WhatsApp 8 771 331 1919 Gulmira. There is no way to answer calls, because. working. Instagram account gulmira_abdullayeva_permanent
Created: May 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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