Almaty, Kazakhstan
The maximum length of adults is 90-100 mm. Males reach puberty with a body length of 60-70 mm, and females - 70-80 mm. The fish have an elongated, spindle-shaped body, covered with silvery scales. Black and red stripes stretch from the tip of the muzzle, crossing the eyes, to the caudal fin. The caudal fin has yellow and black spots. The dorsal fin is sail-shaped, with a red tint. Keeping Denison barbs An aquarium with a volume of 200 liters or more is suitable for keeping this species. It is recommended to recreate a fast-flowing river biotope. Sand, fine gravel is suitable as a substrate. Large stones and cobblestones must be placed at the bottom. It does not interfere with the introduction of snags and tree roots. Many plants will not tolerate a fast current, but Microsorum, Bolbitis or Anubias spp. can develop. Based on the fact that wild individuals abound only in the virgin environment, they are intolerant of organic pollution and need clean water. Weekly 30-50% water changes are needed. Water parameters: temperature 15 - 25 °C, pH 6.5 - 7.8, hardness 90 - 447 ppm Feeding the barb In nature, the fish is omnivorous and feeds on various worms, insects, crustaceans, plants and organic detritus. In the conditions of the aquarium eats any food. However, it is better to diversify the diet, make live and frozen foods, such as daphnia, brine shrimp and mosquito larvae. Commercial flakes and pellets will also work. Rich in carotenoids, in particular, astaxanthin, food will make the color of the barb more intense. Compatibility with other fish The Denison barb is a peaceful species. It is best to keep it with other river species, for example, representatives of the genus Danio, Devario, Barilius, Garra. The robust Balithorian and Nemacheilus loaches are also suitable. There is little information on intraspecific behavior and aggression. This is due to the fact that due to the high cost, aquarists can afford to purchase only one or two individuals. However, the Denison barb is a schooling fish, so keeping a group of 6-10 is ideal. In the pet store of the new format "LIVE CORNER"! We are located at the address: Almaty, microdistrict "Taugul" st. Suleimenova (former Dezhneva), 24 A / corner of Pyatnitsky street. We work without breaks and weekends from 10:00 to 20:00!
№198070 Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19