Auto-selection - we will professionally select a good car for you! thickness gauge

Auto-selection - we will professionally select a good car for you! thickness gauge

Created: May 12 2022
Auto-selection - we will professionally select a good car for you! thickness gauge Almaty - photo 1
Auto-selection - we will professionally select a good car for you! thickness gauge Almaty - photo 2
Auto-selection - we will professionally select a good car for you! thickness gauge Almaty - photo 3
Auto-selection - we will professionally select a good car for you! thickness gauge Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
- -- - We will help you to choose a live, without an emergency car - -- - Cost of services from 3.000 tenge Professional thickness gauge Etari ET555 Computer diagnostics on Launch 431 PRO What goes into check? Checking the paintwork of a car with a thickness gauge. Identification of painted, replaced and bone-set body parts Inspection of the condition of the car interior. Inspection of the engine compartment - oil smudges, operation of the internal combustion engine, automatic transmission, oil smudges, etc. Computer diagnostics of the car, determination of the actual mileage. We accept applications from other cities. Car entry check. We make computer diagnostics. * Checking with a thickness gauge from 3000tg (without departure) Zhalpy zhadayyn salonyn elektrikasyn tekserip bermiz. Bas?a?alada bolsa?yz beine esep zhіberimiz. Kaspi gold w? not ? olma ? ol w? mys isteymіz. We accept payment in cash or on Caspi Gold: 8 775 742 43 33
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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