Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother

Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother

Created: May 12 2022
Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother Almaty - photo 1
Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother Almaty - photo 2
Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother Almaty - photo 3
Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother Almaty - photo 4
Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother Almaty - photo 5
Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother Almaty - photo 6
Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother Almaty - photo 7
Autoselection, Autoexpert, Diagnostics, K?lik ta?dau, K?lik mother Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
TEXT IN RUSSIAN BELOW! Autoselection, autoexpert, autodiagnostics TEXERUDEN ?TKIZU. TAPSYRYS ??NY habarlasyp s?ra?yz, 1. K?likti? syrt?y pishіnіn arnayy zho?ary sapals ETARI ET 444 PRO ?aly?dy? texergishpen was afraid? anyn w? not strong? (putty) zh?yl?an zherlerin ana?tau. 2. To? apatta bol?anyn ana?tau. 3. LAUNCH CRP-429C Computer files? ?atelicterdiana?tau. 4. To? ishki zha? dayyn toly? texer. ?OSYMSHA A?SHAMEN 5. To?k_kt? 1 shі tirkeluin ana?tau (?osymsha a?shamen). 6. K?likti? kepіlde nemese ?ama?ta t?r?anyn any?tau (?osymsha a?shamen). 7. K?likti? ?aza?standa 1shі tirkeuden bastap ?ansha iesi bol?anyn any?tau (?osymsha a?shamen). 8. Arnay k?teru ar?yly k?k_kti? zh?ru b?ligin texer, ?oz?alt?yshty? well? not motorda? astynan mai a??anyn tekseru (?osymsha a?shamen). 9. Oblysty? ?for?you?yna baylanists zhol?a shy?u (?osymsha a?shamen). 10. To? zhoyu ??ny t?lengenin any?tau (scrap collection) (?osymsha a?shamen). Barly? texerudi Whatsapp, Telegram ar?yly zhіberu. J?CAPE UA?YTY KELISIM BOYYNSHA, DEMALISSYZ. FULL CAR CHECK IN ALMATY AND ALMATY REGION WITH DEPARTURE ON YOUR OWN CAR. COST OF THE SERVICE call to find out, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL PAYMENT. 1. Examination of the body with a quality ETARI ET 444 PRO thickness gauge to determine the painted and puttied place. 2. Determining whether the car was in an accident. 3. Computer LAUNCH CRP-429C diagnostics to identify errors 4. Full inspection of the cabin. FOR ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS 5. Definition of primary registrations (for additional payment). 6. Determination of a car in pledge or arrest (for additional payment). 7. Determining how many owners have been on this car since the beginning of registrations in KZ (for additional payment). 8. Inspection on the chassis lift, engine and transmission oil leaks (for additional payment). 9. Outside the city (for additional payment). 10. Whether the car recycling fee has been paid (for additional payment). I will send the results of the work via Whatsapp and Telegram. WORKING TIME WE AGREE, WITHOUT DAYS OFF. WhatsApp: +77017108611 +77777108611 +77077108611 +77007108611 Barly? baylanys t?rі ?oldanysta All communications active GOOD CAR SELECTION ALL!!!
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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