Autodrom. driving school

Autodrom. driving school

Created: May 12 2022
Autodrom. driving school Almaty - photo 1
Autodrom. driving school Almaty - photo 2
Autodrom. driving school Almaty - photo 3
Autodrom. driving school Almaty - photo 4
Autodrom. driving school Almaty - photo 5
Autodrom. driving school Almaty - photo 6
Autodrom. driving school Almaty - photo 7
Autodrom. driving school Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Good afternoon! Autodrom Almaty invites you to improve your driving skills. We offer you lessons with an instructor or in your own car. The cost of your car - 1000 tenge per hour! You will be able to work out all the exercises that you will need on the roads in the city. The largest and most equipped circuit, at a very nice price. We work from 6 am to 00:00 am without days off! Address: Zhansugurova 176a, phone: 87783789947 87783789952 397 34 06 397 34 02
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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