Audi Q7 year 5 500 000 ₸

Audi Q7 year

Created: June 9 2022
Audi Q7    year Almaty - photo 1
Audi Q7    year Almaty - photo 2
Audi Q7    year Almaty - photo 3
Audi Q7    year Almaty - photo 4
Audi Q7    year Almaty - photo 5
Audi Q7    year Almaty - photo 6
Audi Q7    year Almaty - photo 7
Audi Q7    year Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Model: Q7 
Urgently selling, price including investments One such in a short circuit in a body kit PPI, with exhaust There are no problems with pneumatic! Since there is no pneuma, on sports springs New battery, imported generator, heat exchanger replaced, new pads in a circle, all fluids and filters replaced A lot of things have been done Questions by phone
Created: June 9 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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5 500 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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