Reinforcement Composite fiberglass Non-metallic and mesh 69 ₸

Reinforcement Composite fiberglass Non-metallic and mesh

Created: November 16 2023
Reinforcement Composite fiberglass Non-metallic and mesh Almaty - photo 1
Reinforcement Composite fiberglass Non-metallic and mesh Almaty - photo 2
Reinforcement Composite fiberglass Non-metallic and mesh Almaty - photo 3
Reinforcement Composite fiberglass Non-metallic and mesh Almaty - photo 4
Reinforcement Composite fiberglass Non-metallic and mesh Almaty - photo 5
Reinforcement Composite fiberglass Non-metallic and mesh Almaty - photo 6
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Lowest prices in the capital!!! Sales from 500 m.p. and more Composite fiberglass reinforcement from a high-quality manufacturer. Produced diameters range from 4 to 14 mm. Price from 97 tenge per m Sufficient supply of products in the warehouses of the enterprise. We have been producing for over 7 years. Call everyone by phone. Fiberglass fittings D 6 - 130 tenge. meter Fiberglass reinforcement D 8 - 180 tenge. meter Fiberglass reinforcement D 10 - 255 tenge. meter Fiberglass reinforcement D 12 - 340 tenge. meter Bays 100 meters.
Created: November 16 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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