English-Russian dictionary of banking 500 ₸

English-Russian dictionary of banking

Created: May 14 2023
English-Russian dictionary of banking Almaty - photo 1
English-Russian dictionary of banking Almaty - photo 2
English-Russian dictionary of banking Almaty - photo 3
English-Russian dictionary of banking Almaty - photo 4
English-Russian dictionary of banking Almaty - photo 5
English-Russian dictionary of banking Almaty - photo 6
English-Russian dictionary of banking Almaty - photo 7
English-Russian dictionary of banking Almaty - photo 8
Address: ул. Си Синхай, д.22, Бостандыкский р-н, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
English-Russian Dictionary of Banking Terminology - Kovalenko E.G., 1994, M., "Science and Technology", hard cover, p. 880; format: 216x148 mm, weight: 529 g, circulation: 8000 copies. Condition: perfect!
The dictionary contains more than 21,000 terms and phrases in the following sections: financial and banking activities, money circulation, banking operations, exchange operations, foreign exchange markets, securities markets, credit markets, international monetary and credit relations, financial instruments, investment processes, monetary and financial organizations, legal aspects of financial and banking activities, computerization of banking operations, as well as abbreviations and symbols.
On Ozone, the book costs 2,762 tenge.
Created: May 14 2023
Was online yesterday 18:33
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