English detective 1983 4 000 ₸

English detective 1983

Created: May 28 2022
English detective 1983 Almaty - photo 1
English detective 1983 Almaty - photo 2
English detective 1983 Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
"Death under sail" by C. Snow, "The Office of Fear" by Gr. Green, "Favorite" by D. Francis - three novels, representing in this collection the three faces of an English detective, differ from each other both in their individual style of narration and in the specific life material laid down at the core of the story. These works, written soundly, confidently and interestingly, give a totality of morals in a fairly wide time spectrum. Introductory article by V.Skorodenko.
Created: May 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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4 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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