ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips

ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips

Created: May 14 2022
ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips Almaty - photo 1
ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips Almaty - photo 2
ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips Almaty - photo 3
ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips Almaty - photo 4
ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips Almaty - photo 5
ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips Almaty - photo 6
ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips Almaty - photo 7
ACTION from 7000 tenge. Permanent make-up eyebrows lips Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Permanent makeup for eyebrows, lips, eyelashes. COMBO three zones eyebrow, eyelash, lips 18000 tenge. Overlapping of the old tutuage from 8000 tenge. Removal of old tutuage from 8000 tenge. Interlash FROM 7000 tenge. Lipstick effect from 8000 tenge. Makes a master with more than 5 years of experience Sign up in advance! WhatsApp +77002485231 . Address, G. Almaty, street, Zhibek zholy 50, corner. Zenkova
Created: May 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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