Ayulax No. 60, capsules for constipation 1 331.82 rub

Ayulax No. 60, capsules for constipation

Created: February 15
Ayulax No. 60, capsules for constipation Almaty - photo 1
Ayulax No. 60, capsules for constipation Almaty - photo 2
Ayulax No. 60, capsules for constipation Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Condition: New 
Salauatty omir salty ushіn, aldymen, ish katuyn zhoyu kazhet!, ish zhurgіzetіn zhane zhel aydaityn aseri bar, as kortyluyna ykpal etetіn, ishek tuyneluin zhenіldetetіn, sonday-ak, bauyrdyn qizmetin yntalandyratyn zhane os zhagdayda on aser etetіn kassietteri bar shopterden turatyn nakty Ayurvedical Osimdik tektes formula. For a healthy lifestyle, first of all, you need to get rid of constipation! Ayulax from 9 herbs with antioxidant properties, maintains the general condition of the body and promotes colon health and smooth stool passage. Proper defecation is important for people trying to lose weight. Always be in shape. Improves the functioning of the digestive system. Controls gas formation. Ayulax capsules are vegetarian and certified as kosher and halal. 2 capsules before bed, wash down with water at room temperature, in the morning a soft, physiological bowel movement / if in the morning it is inconvenient for you to take a long time to do the toilet, you can drink the capsules in the morning and the bowel cleansing will be in the evening /.
Created: February 15
Аптека ПЛЮС
Was online february 15 15:47
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1 331.82 rub
Аптека ПЛЮС
Was online february 15 15:47
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