4000 lip permament for the Promotion!

4000 lip permament for the Promotion!

Created: May 14 2022
4000 lip permament for the Promotion! Almaty - photo 1
4000 lip permament for the Promotion! Almaty - photo 2
4000 lip permament for the Promotion! Almaty - photo 3
4000 lip permament for the Promotion! Almaty - photo 4
4000 lip permament for the Promotion! Almaty - photo 5
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Mega Promotion! Permanent lips and arrows for 4000tg The promotion is only one week! Correction costs 4000tg at any time! We work every day without days off from 9:00 to 22:00 Address: Arbat zhibek zholy 106 Ablaykhan corner. On against Tsum near Zhek Doner. Timiryazev 42k10a Auezov corner Tel : 87075649150 Our Instagram : TheLab.almaty 87075649150
Created: May 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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