Apartment cleaning, general cleaning, cleaning services

Apartment cleaning, general cleaning, cleaning services

Created: May 18 2022
Apartment cleaning, general cleaning, cleaning services Aqtobe - photo 1
Apartment cleaning, general cleaning, cleaning services Aqtobe - photo 2
Apartment cleaning, general cleaning, cleaning services Aqtobe - photo 3
Apartment cleaning, general cleaning, cleaning services Aqtobe - photo 4
Address: Aqtobe, Kazakhstan
We value your time and work 24 hours a day. No weekends or breaks. We provide professional cleaning services for apartments, houses, cottages and other premises. We are ready to offer you general cleaning, wet cleaning, after repair, cleaning after events and corporate parties, cleaning after disinfection. Disciplined, careful, responsible. We are confident that once you contact us, you will remain our regular customers. You can find out all the detailed information by calling: 8 775 807 45 88 _ Biz sizd? ua?yty?yzdy ba?alaimyz zh?ne biz 24 sa?at zh?mys isteymіz. Demalyssyz w? not ?zіlіssіz. Biz p?terlerdi, ?ylerdi, kottachderdi w? not bass? Biz sіzge zhalpy tazalaudy, smoke? yl tazalaudy, zh? T?rtiptilik, d?ldik, zhauapkershilik. Bizben bir ret habarlasyp, sіz bіzdі? t?ra?you are a clienttermіz bolatyndy?y?yz?a senіmdіmіz. Barly? toly? a?paratty myna n?mirge ?o?yrau shalu ar?yly bіluge ??bolady: 8 775 807 45 88
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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