Selling wavy parrots 5 000 ₸

Selling wavy parrots

Created: May 31 2022
Selling wavy parrots Aqtobe - photo 1
Selling wavy parrots Aqtobe - photo 2
Selling wavy parrots Aqtobe - photo 3
Selling wavy parrots Aqtobe - photo 4
Selling wavy parrots Aqtobe - photo 5
Selling wavy parrots Aqtobe - photo 6
Selling wavy parrots Aqtobe - photo 7
Selling wavy parrots Aqtobe - photo 8
Address: Aqtobe, Kazakhstan
I will sell budgerigars grown at home on vetonomezirovany fodder, malleable to learning to talk, the price is 5000 thousand, NO BARGAINING, no discounts, delivery around the city from 600 tenge, new cages 5000 tenge. Vetonomezirovanny fodder 1kg, 1000 tenge
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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5 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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