General industrial heaters 1 000 ₸

General industrial heaters

Created: March 17 2023
General industrial heaters Aqtobe - photo 1
General industrial heaters Aqtobe - photo 2
General industrial heaters Aqtobe - photo 3
Address: Aqtobe, Kazakhstan
General industrial heaters are designed for heating fuel oil, bitumen, mineral oils, tars and other easily solidified and viscous petroleum products, as well as other liquid media in above ground tanks and storages. LLC "Penzgidroprom" offers the following general industrial heaters: mortise heaters NV and NBV, as well as immersion heaters NP and NBP. To control the degree of heating and to prevent overheating of the product, it is recommended to use a SHU-TERM control cabinet. On sale are heating elements, heating tapes and cables, bitumen cookers, heaters for barrels, Eurocube and cylinders. Delivery across Russia and Kazakhstan.
Created: March 17 2023
Was online december 5 2024 14:01
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