Iphone 12 pro max 128gb 420 000 ₸

Iphone 12 pro max 128gb

Created: May 1 2022
Iphone 12 pro max 128gb Aqtobe - photo 1
Iphone 12 pro max 128gb Aqtobe - photo 2
Iphone 12 pro max 128gb Aqtobe - photo 3
Address: Aqtobe, Kazakhstan
Phone brand: Apple 
iPhone 12 Pro Max 128gb pacific blue. In perfect condition, no chips or scratches. I will sell iPhone 12 Pro Max 128 gb. Battery 89%, full original set: box, charger, paper clip, documentation. The phone has never been opened or repaired. Absolutely all functions work properly.
Created: May 1 2022
Was online november 30 2023 11:27
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420 000 ₸
Was online november 30 2023 11:27
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